This Eerie thriller is about Kumar (Rajesh Khanna), a wealthy young man, who leads an idyllic life in Nairobi. The only cloud on the horizon is the strange dreams that haunt him night after night – he dreams of a deserted railway station called Viran Nagar and sees his own dead body lying on the platform. Obsessed by these mysterious nightmares, he travels to India and discovers that there is really such a place called Viran Nagar. When he goes there, he finds the inhabitants none too happy to see him except for a girl called Sapna (Babita) who greets him with a melody that he had heard in those dreams…..
Monday, September 22, 2008
Raaz - 1966
Posted by
V. Manohar
12:51 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Teaching Children Virtues & Values
Children are the pillars of our tomorrow is a statement that is repeated time and again. And it is an axiom; they are our pillars of the coming time. But then do we nurture them into becoming healthy human beings? By healthy human beings here is not meant the physical well being, but the good human being. And how do you define a good human being? One with virtues and values that keeps them in the realm of working towards the benefit of humanity.
How can children imbibe within themselves the virtues and values? Well, this is the primary responsibility of parents and other immediate family members, followed by school authorities. The values and virtues of an individual is sown in their childhood and nurtured as they grow up. After all nobody is born a criminal, it is what they become as result of what they gain from their surroundings.
Depending on the way we bring up our children, we decide our own future. It is vital that in the formative years we give them quality time and attention. We teach them to discriminate between the good, bad and the ugly. WE have to inculcate into them positive emotions like love and compassion and teach them actions of kindness and generosity. At the same time we have to help them do way with the negatives of hatred, anger, jealousy, selfishness, etc.
Your child is like a plant. You sow the seeds and also reap the benefits of its growth and development. First and foremost you as a parent have to realize your responsibility in nurturing a child to growing into a good human being. And it is just not upto anyone of the parents, but both together to inculcate the values and virtues into your
Posted by
V. Manohar
8:40 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
How to be an “ideal employee” in the work place
Do you want to be rated “good” at your work place? Then best cultivate the following tips to shape your work as well as your destiny at work.
Don’t waste office money or material
When you buy something for the office or spend money on behalf of the office, you should spend in such a way if you are spending for your home or for your own personal things with prudence
In the same way, one should handle office equipment and other items gently with great care without damaging the any articles
It’s a pity that some people show their anger and agony on the office equipment which ultimately gets completely redundant .Never bang any items in the office, including the telephone instruments, which is a target for many people to show their resentment by banging it down.
This usually reflects on the personality of the person and exposes the character by the rude behaviour.One has to behave in such a way those others would want to follow the example
I remember the President of one of my client Company, when working late used to always ensure that he checks all the computers in the office has been switched off and so also the fans ,lights and any other equipments before leaving for home. He would leave a small reminder note in place where he would find things not taken care of and communicate that the employee has to be more vigilant. He would do this even when he would leave his desk for a meeting or for coffee breaks etc.
Therefore one has to save costs to the organization and not think only of having a happy and content life earning a good pay from the company .
Help Colleagues in times of Crisis
The Japanese culture is so embedded with the disciplinary principles that it finds it way into the workplace too. The tradition of loyalty and respect to the leaders binds them into a family values at work place. This ensures that people work together with a common goal and objective in cohesion.
When a colleague is in trouble while discharging the duty, one should feel that it is duty to help the person by trying to solve the problem and enable the person to over come the situation in order to handle things better with an experienced hand.
As the adage goes “a friend in need is a friend in deed” every employee should help his or her co-employee in the work place to complete the task quickly and efficiently .While some volunteer and go out of their way to support a colleague in trouble some very convenienently become invisible and yet some pretend to be of help but appear like phantoms they will be missing when you need them the most .
The later set of people assume that its “below their dignity “to extend any help .
But the fact is that a colleague will always reciprocate the help extended for tidings over the predicament and will always want to return in kind when the same situation is there on the other side.
Never Gossip
Office grape wine sometimes are so detrimental that it can actually break down a very healthy work place .Although this is something that is present everywhere in all office space ,one must restrain in idle gossips and bitching about people just for the sake of some temporary thrill or attention. This on the long run make a person untrust worthy and it will be considered a nuisance in the office as it will create lot of hurts and unwanted disturbances in the harmony of the working environment
One has to develop the habit of being punctual to the office as adhering to correct timings is a very important quality on the part of the employees whether at the junior level or in the senior position. It is the watch word in all classes of employees. This creates a feeling of dependability and reliability
Become the chosen one
A winner is one who develops "fast-start" actions to make himself/ herself the favorite one in the eyes of the management right from day one. The good old analyising of one's strengths, weaknesses and how they can add value to the organization sets the foundation of a long-term relationship.
"Can Do" what others won't
Employees who can get things done are highly prized in an organization. "Can do" people rarely turn down a new assignment and always give their best despite possible initial rejections. They believe that new challenges improve their cross functional capabilities.
All employers want employees with good communication skills -- starting with 'willingness' and ability to listen. Business communication should be accurate and brief. No long winding sentences where short ones would work. Also, perhaps the most damaging error in communication skills is losing your cool or whining. However justified your complaints are, cool down and peacefully express yourself if you want to be heard at all.
It's not personal
This may seem a difficult proposition in a place where you spend most of your waking hours, but you just have to learn the art of being objective at work. In a growing organization there are bound to be differences of opinion. The ability to stay focused on issues and remain impersonal helps you to stick to the work objective.
Be caring
Think of the favorite senior in your office and it is easy to point out that he/ she is someone who genuinely cares about people and so can get anyone to deliver.
Helping sincere colleagues from other departments too during bad days, and being empathic towards one's team is always recognized. Also, such people command leadership and fierce loyalty from their teams/ colleagues. Organizations would definitely not question such leadership.
Be proactive
Take responsibility for your career advancement. In a forever "right-sizing" workplace, don't expect anyone else to hold your hand and take you to heights you wish for yourself. In times of transition, individuals must be proactive and make themselves useful in related departments.
No “its all common” attitude
Employers don't like people who restrict their job profile. Take ownership of all your responsibilities by seeing your department as a profit centre (even if your productivity doesn't easily translate into numbers) and yourself as an integral driver of that profit.
Give your best to the company
Remember, it is positive attitude and experience that hold weight above skills, between two equally qualified employees.
Health/ fitness
Health is key to reliability. Frequent absences or poor performance related to neglected health puts one on the short list when it is time to downsize.
Having said that, all companies generally have an acceptable dressing requirement. Most media companies don't enforce dress codes, but even the most fun-loving organization will not take an employee dressed like a hippie seriously. The perception of whether or not you belong has more to do with appearance than you might think.
This is a rare commodity in times of frequent job jumping and three-month stints. Loyalty can be demonstrated through refusal to gossip, delivering high performance and sticking with a company through its highs and lows. You can also project loyalty by carrying out instructions as best you can, by disagreeing civilly and when you have been overruled, doing the job the way the boss wants you to.
Avoid bad blood
It is not easy for huge organizations to appreciate everyone all the time. This naturally leads to some dissatisfaction, which can be dealt with a talk with your immediate senior. However, if an employee chooses to proclaim and believe that he/ she is the only undervalued, overworked, underpaid professional, his/ her whining may boomerang to make the HR department feel that the office might be a happier place without them.
Posted by
V. Manohar
8:46 PM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Check your age
Check this !!! Its really works......
1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to go out to eat.
(more than once but less than 10)
2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)
3. Add 5
4. Multiply it by 50
5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1757 ....
If you haven't, add 1756.
6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.
You should have a three digit number
The first digit of this was your original number
(I.e., how! Many times you want to go out to restaurants in a week.)
Posted by
V. Manohar
6:56 PM
Friday, November 2, 2007
How to be an “ideal employee” in the work place
Do you want to be rated “good” at your work place? Then best cultivate the following tips to shape your work as well as your destiny at work.
Don’t waste office money or material
When you buy something for the office or spend money on behalf of the office, you should spend in such a way if you are spending for your home or for your own personal things with prudence
In the same way, one should handle office equipment and other items gently with great care without damaging the any articles
It’s a pity that some people show their anger and agony on the office equipment which ultimately gets completely redundant .Never bang any items in the office, including the telephone instruments, which is a target for many people to show their resentment by banging it down.
This usually reflects on the personality of the person and exposes the character by the rude behaviour.One has to behave in such a way those others would want to follow the example
I remember the President of one of my client Company, when working late used to always ensure that he checks all the computers in the office has been switched off and so also the fans ,lights and any other equipments before leaving for home. He would leave a small reminder note in place where he would find things not taken care of and communicate that the employee has to be more vigilant. He would do this even when he would leave his desk for a meeting or for coffee breaks etc.
Therefore one has to save costs to the organization and not think only of having a happy and content life earning a good pay from the company .
Help Colleagues in times of Crisis
The Japanese culture is so embedded with the disciplinary principles that it finds it way into the workplace too. The tradition of loyalty and respect to the leaders binds them into a family values at work place. This ensures that people work together with a common goal and objective in cohesion.
When a colleague is in trouble while discharging the duty, one should feel that it is duty to help the person by trying to solve the problem and enable the person to over come the situation in order to handle things better with an experienced hand.
As the adage goes “a friend in need is a friend in deed” every employee should help his or her co-employee in the work place to complete the task quickly and efficiently .While some volunteer and go out of their way to support a colleague in trouble some very convenienently become invisible and yet some pretend to be of help but appear like phantoms they will be missing when you need them the most .
The later set of people assume that its “below their dignity “to extend any help .
But the fact is that a colleague will always reciprocate the help extended for tidings over the predicament and will always want to return in kind when the same situation is there on the other side.
Never Gossip
Office grape wine sometimes are so detrimental that it can actually break down a very healthy work place .Although this is something that is present everywhere in all office space ,one must restrain in idle gossips and bitching about people just for the sake of some temporary thrill or attention. This on the long run make a person untrust worthy and it will be considered a nuisance in the office as it will create lot of hurts and unwanted disturbances in the harmony of the working environment
One has to develop the habit of being punctual to the office as adhering to correct timings is a very important quality on the part of the employees whether at the junior level or in the senior position. It is the watch word in all classes of employees. This creates a feeling of dependability and reliability
Become the chosen one
A winner is one who develops "fast-start" actions to make himself/ herself the favorite one in the eyes of the management right from day one. The good old analyising of one's strengths, weaknesses and how they can add value to the organization sets the foundation of a long-term relationship.
"Can Do" what others won't
Employees who can get things done are highly prized in an organization. "Can do" people rarely turn down a new assignment and always give their best despite possible initial rejections. They believe that new challenges improve their cross functional capabilities.
All employers want employees with good communication skills -- starting with 'willingness' and ability to listen. Business communication should be accurate and brief. No long winding sentences where short ones would work. Also, perhaps the most damaging error in communication skills is losing your cool or whining. However justified your complaints are, cool down and peacefully express yourself if you want to be heard at all.
It's not personal
This may seem a difficult proposition in a place where you spend most of your waking hours, but you just have to learn the art of being objective at work. In a growing organization there are bound to be differences of opinion. The ability to stay focused on issues and remain impersonal helps you to stick to the work objective.
Be caring
Think of the favorite senior in your office and it is easy to point out that he/ she is someone who genuinely cares about people and so can get anyone to deliver.
Helping sincere colleagues from other departments too during bad days, and being empathic towards one's team is always recognized. Also, such people command leadership and fierce loyalty from their teams/ colleagues. Organizations would definitely not question such leadership.
Be proactive
Take responsibility for your career advancement. In a forever "right-sizing" workplace, don't expect anyone else to hold your hand and take you to heights you wish for yourself. In times of transition, individuals must be proactive and make themselves useful in related departments.
No “its all common” attitude
Employers don't like people who restrict their job profile. Take ownership of all your responsibilities by seeing your department as a profit centre (even if your productivity doesn't easily translate into numbers) and yourself as an integral driver of that profit.
Give your best to the company
Remember, it is positive attitude and experience that hold weight above skills, between two equally qualified employees.
Health/ fitness
Health is key to reliability. Frequent absences or poor performance related to neglected health puts one on the short list when it is time to downsize.
Having said that, all companies generally have an acceptable dressing requirement. Most media companies don't enforce dress codes, but even the most fun-loving organization will not take an employee dressed like a hippie seriously. The perception of whether or not you belong has more to do with appearance than you might think.
This is a rare commodity in times of frequent job jumping and three-month stints. Loyalty can be demonstrated through refusal to gossip, delivering high performance and sticking with a company through its highs and lows. You can also project loyalty by carrying out instructions as best you can, by disagreeing civilly and when you have been overruled, doing the job the way the boss wants you to.
Avoid bad blood
It is not easy for huge organizations to appreciate everyone all the time. This naturally leads to some dissatisfaction, which can be dealt with a talk with your immediate senior. However, if an employee chooses to proclaim and believe that he/ she is the only undervalued, overworked, underpaid professional, his/ her whining may boomerang to make the HR department feel that the office might be a happier place without them.
How to be an “ideal employee” in the work place
Do you want to be rated “good” at your work place? Then best cultivate the following tips to shape your work as well as your destiny at work.
Don’t waste office money or material
When you buy something for the office or spend money on behalf of the office, you should spend in such a way if you are spending for your home or for your own personal things with prudence
In the same way, one should handle office equipment and other items gently with great care without damaging the any articles
It’s a pity that some people show their anger and agony on the office equipment which ultimately gets completely redundant .Never bang any items in the office, including the telephone instruments, which is a target for many people to show their resentment by banging it down.
This usually reflects on the personality of the person and exposes the character by the rude behaviour.One has to behave in such a way those others would want to follow the example
I remember the President of one of my client Company, when working late used to always ensure that he checks all the computers in the office has been switched off and so also the fans ,lights and any other equipments before leaving for home. He would leave a small reminder note in place where he would find things not taken care of and communicate that the employee has to be more vigilant. He would do this even when he would leave his desk for a meeting or for coffee breaks etc.
Therefore one has to save costs to the organization and not think only of having a happy and content life earning a good pay from the company .
Help Colleagues in times of Crisis
The Japanese culture is so embedded with the disciplinary principles that it finds it way into the workplace too. The tradition of loyalty and respect to the leaders binds them into a family values at work place. This ensures that people work together with a common goal and objective in cohesion.
When a colleague is in trouble while discharging the duty, one should feel that it is duty to help the person by trying to solve the problem and enable the person to over come the situation in order to handle things better with an experienced hand.
As the adage goes “a friend in need is a friend in deed” every employee should help his or her co-employee in the work place to complete the task quickly and efficiently .While some volunteer and go out of their way to support a colleague in trouble some very convenienently become invisible and yet some pretend to be of help but appear like phantoms they will be missing when you need them the most .
The later set of people assume that its “below their dignity “to extend any help .
But the fact is that a colleague will always reciprocate the help extended for tidings over the predicament and will always want to return in kind when the same situation is there on the other side.
Never Gossip
Office grape wine sometimes are so detrimental that it can actually break down a very healthy work place .Although this is something that is present everywhere in all office space ,one must restrain in idle gossips and bitching about people just for the sake of some temporary thrill or attention. This on the long run make a person untrust worthy and it will be considered a nuisance in the office as it will create lot of hurts and unwanted disturbances in the harmony of the working environment
One has to develop the habit of being punctual to the office as adhering to correct timings is a very important quality on the part of the employees whether at the junior level or in the senior position. It is the watch word in all classes of employees. This creates a feeling of dependability and reliability
Become the chosen one
A winner is one who develops "fast-start" actions to make himself/ herself the favorite one in the eyes of the management right from day one. The good old analyising of one's strengths, weaknesses and how they can add value to the organization sets the foundation of a long-term relationship.
"Can Do" what others won't
Employees who can get things done are highly prized in an organization. "Can do" people rarely turn down a new assignment and always give their best despite possible initial rejections. They believe that new challenges improve their cross functional capabilities.
All employers want employees with good communication skills -- starting with 'willingness' and ability to listen. Business communication should be accurate and brief. No long winding sentences where short ones would work. Also, perhaps the most damaging error in communication skills is losing your cool or whining. However justified your complaints are, cool down and peacefully express yourself if you want to be heard at all.
It's not personal
This may seem a difficult proposition in a place where you spend most of your waking hours, but you just have to learn the art of being objective at work. In a growing organization there are bound to be differences of opinion. The ability to stay focused on issues and remain impersonal helps you to stick to the work objective.
Be caring
Think of the favorite senior in your office and it is easy to point out that he/ she is someone who genuinely cares about people and so can get anyone to deliver.
Helping sincere colleagues from other departments too during bad days, and being empathic towards one's team is always recognized. Also, such people command leadership and fierce loyalty from their teams/ colleagues. Organizations would definitely not question such leadership.
Be proactive
Take responsibility for your career advancement. In a forever "right-sizing" workplace, don't expect anyone else to hold your hand and take you to heights you wish for yourself. In times of transition, individuals must be proactive and make themselves useful in related departments.
No “its all common” attitude
Employers don't like people who restrict their job profile. Take ownership of all your responsibilities by seeing your department as a profit centre (even if your productivity doesn't easily translate into numbers) and yourself as an integral driver of that profit.
Give your best to the company
Remember, it is positive attitude and experience that hold weight above skills, between two equally qualified employees.
Health/ fitness
Health is key to reliability. Frequent absences or poor performance related to neglected health puts one on the short list when it is time to downsize.
Having said that, all companies generally have an acceptable dressing requirement. Most media companies don't enforce dress codes, but even the most fun-loving organization will not take an employee dressed like a hippie seriously. The perception of whether or not you belong has more to do with appearance than you might think.
This is a rare commodity in times of frequent job jumping and three-month stints. Loyalty can be demonstrated through refusal to gossip, delivering high performance and sticking with a company through its highs and lows. You can also project loyalty by carrying out instructions as best you can, by disagreeing civilly and when you have been overruled, doing the job the way the boss wants you to.
Avoid bad blood
It is not easy for huge organizations to appreciate everyone all the time. This naturally leads to some dissatisfaction, which can be dealt with a talk with your immediate senior. However, if an employee chooses to proclaim and believe that he/ she is the only undervalued, overworked, underpaid professional, his/ her whining may boomerang to make the HR department feel that the office might be a happier place without them.
Do you want to be rated “good” at your work place? Then best cultivate the following tips to shape your work as well as your destiny at work.
Don’t waste office money or material
When you buy something for the office or spend money on behalf of the office, you should spend in such a way if you are spending for your home or for your own personal things with prudence
In the same way, one should handle office equipment and other items gently with great care without damaging the any articles
It’s a pity that some people show their anger and agony on the office equipment which ultimately gets completely redundant .Never bang any items in the office, including the telephone instruments, which is a target for many people to show their resentment by banging it down.
This usually reflects on the personality of the person and exposes the character by the rude behaviour.One has to behave in such a way those others would want to follow the example
I remember the President of one of my client Company, when working late used to always ensure that he checks all the computers in the office has been switched off and so also the fans ,lights and any other equipments before leaving for home. He would leave a small reminder note in place where he would find things not taken care of and communicate that the employee has to be more vigilant. He would do this even when he would leave his desk for a meeting or for coffee breaks etc.
Therefore one has to save costs to the organization and not think only of having a happy and content life earning a good pay from the company .
Help Colleagues in times of Crisis
The Japanese culture is so embedded with the disciplinary principles that it finds it way into the workplace too. The tradition of loyalty and respect to the leaders binds them into a family values at work place. This ensures that people work together with a common goal and objective in cohesion.
When a colleague is in trouble while discharging the duty, one should feel that it is duty to help the person by trying to solve the problem and enable the person to over come the situation in order to handle things better with an experienced hand.
As the adage goes “a friend in need is a friend in deed” every employee should help his or her co-employee in the work place to complete the task quickly and efficiently .While some volunteer and go out of their way to support a colleague in trouble some very convenienently become invisible and yet some pretend to be of help but appear like phantoms they will be missing when you need them the most .
The later set of people assume that its “below their dignity “to extend any help .
But the fact is that a colleague will always reciprocate the help extended for tidings over the predicament and will always want to return in kind when the same situation is there on the other side.
Never Gossip
Office grape wine sometimes are so detrimental that it can actually break down a very healthy work place .Although this is something that is present everywhere in all office space ,one must restrain in idle gossips and bitching about people just for the sake of some temporary thrill or attention. This on the long run make a person untrust worthy and it will be considered a nuisance in the office as it will create lot of hurts and unwanted disturbances in the harmony of the working environment
One has to develop the habit of being punctual to the office as adhering to correct timings is a very important quality on the part of the employees whether at the junior level or in the senior position. It is the watch word in all classes of employees. This creates a feeling of dependability and reliability
Become the chosen one
A winner is one who develops "fast-start" actions to make himself/ herself the favorite one in the eyes of the management right from day one. The good old analyising of one's strengths, weaknesses and how they can add value to the organization sets the foundation of a long-term relationship.
"Can Do" what others won't
Employees who can get things done are highly prized in an organization. "Can do" people rarely turn down a new assignment and always give their best despite possible initial rejections. They believe that new challenges improve their cross functional capabilities.
All employers want employees with good communication skills -- starting with 'willingness' and ability to listen. Business communication should be accurate and brief. No long winding sentences where short ones would work. Also, perhaps the most damaging error in communication skills is losing your cool or whining. However justified your complaints are, cool down and peacefully express yourself if you want to be heard at all.
It's not personal
This may seem a difficult proposition in a place where you spend most of your waking hours, but you just have to learn the art of being objective at work. In a growing organization there are bound to be differences of opinion. The ability to stay focused on issues and remain impersonal helps you to stick to the work objective.
Be caring
Think of the favorite senior in your office and it is easy to point out that he/ she is someone who genuinely cares about people and so can get anyone to deliver.
Helping sincere colleagues from other departments too during bad days, and being empathic towards one's team is always recognized. Also, such people command leadership and fierce loyalty from their teams/ colleagues. Organizations would definitely not question such leadership.
Be proactive
Take responsibility for your career advancement. In a forever "right-sizing" workplace, don't expect anyone else to hold your hand and take you to heights you wish for yourself. In times of transition, individuals must be proactive and make themselves useful in related departments.
No “its all common” attitude
Employers don't like people who restrict their job profile. Take ownership of all your responsibilities by seeing your department as a profit centre (even if your productivity doesn't easily translate into numbers) and yourself as an integral driver of that profit.
Give your best to the company
Remember, it is positive attitude and experience that hold weight above skills, between two equally qualified employees.
Health/ fitness
Health is key to reliability. Frequent absences or poor performance related to neglected health puts one on the short list when it is time to downsize.
Having said that, all companies generally have an acceptable dressing requirement. Most media companies don't enforce dress codes, but even the most fun-loving organization will not take an employee dressed like a hippie seriously. The perception of whether or not you belong has more to do with appearance than you might think.
This is a rare commodity in times of frequent job jumping and three-month stints. Loyalty can be demonstrated through refusal to gossip, delivering high performance and sticking with a company through its highs and lows. You can also project loyalty by carrying out instructions as best you can, by disagreeing civilly and when you have been overruled, doing the job the way the boss wants you to.
Posted by
V. Manohar
4:01 AM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility:
The corporate World and the Governemnt is abuzz with Corporate Social Responsibility phrase and CSR its acronym.
At the Outset the corporate world must realize that Corporate Social Responsibility is about inclusive growth and not about charity.
The concept of all inclusive Growth has been well defined in Shanti mantra in our Kato Upanishad at least FOUR Millenniums back. The Mantra reads as:
Together may we be protected
Together may we be nourished
Together may we work with great energy
May our journey together be brilliant and effective
May there be no bad feelings between us
Peace, peace, peace
Mr. JRD Tata the visionary and industrialist, much before CSR became a buzz word, observed “ In a free enterprise, the community is not just another stake holder in Business. But it s in fact the very purpose of its existence.
No truer words have been said about CSR, though much before this acronym gained coinage and became a popular jargon. Unlike several other acronyms and jargons parroted this has to be delivered with hard core fundamental work.
There is no particular definition of CSR. It has been defined by World Business Council for Sustainable Development a CEO led institution stated:-
“Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large"
Internationally CSR is the responsibility of the Corporate world towards its customer and several segments of the society, in India it would stand modified to principally cover the under privileged class of society as target beneficiary.
The Corporate World’s three considerations and in that order are Profit, People and Planet. Well Profit generation need not be elaborated upon. The third “P” i.e., Planet is covered under Pollution Control, Kyoto Protocol and several similar legal and quasi legal regulations. For the second and most important “P ” i.e., People there is no legal regulation. The CSR covers that second “P”.
Through Globalization the Corporate India has recorded a healthy 9.4% growth. Yet the Rural Bharat distinct from this Corporate India lives at or below subsistence level. Whereas Economic Capital has had a tremendous growth, the social capital is required to be nurtured through CSR.
The Vision 2020 of India becoming a super power by 2020 as perceived by our ex president Mr. Abdul Kalam is nearly impossible to achieve unless some hard core fundamental work is done amongst the under privileged class and they are brought into the mainstream and made productive and contributors to the GNP
India is a very large country with a mega population of 1.2 billion people. The Corporate world rarely has the infrastructure and professionalism to deliver quality and cost effective CSR projects.
There are several GENUIN NGO’s doing exemplary work in several fields. A marriage between these NGO’s and Corporate world could usher in a very different and vibrant India.
A 2001 survey showed that 80% of the Public believed that the ‘ The Public interest’ could be best served by NGO’s and only 67% believed the Corporate world could do so. Hence as per popular perception and common logic, delivery and execution by NGO’s and Corporate World’s participation in financing and supervision would be an ideal partnership.
The concept of sustained growth and vision 2020 could become a reality only trough this cohesive effort.
Posted by
V. Manohar
4:40 AM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Urgent & important Paradigms
Having set objectives the firm now has to work to achieve them. The specific path of action chosen by the firm to achieve its objectives is referred to as its strategy. It is the fundamental means a firm uses to try and achieve its objectives. Any strategy, thus defined, has the following components:
i) A product / market scope: The specific products / services and markets in which a firm operates and which define its limits of activity.
ii) Growth factor: The changes the firm plans to make in its product / market scope for ensuring its future growth.
iii) Competitive advantage: Those specific properties of individual product/market that give the firm its unique position vis-à-vid its competitors.
iv) Distinctive competence: The specific organisational strengths of a firm which help in achieving its objectives.
v) Synergy: The overall or joint effects that are sought from the firm’s various product / market scopes.
Thus, strategy seeks to achieve the firm’s objectives in the context of a specific product/market scope with a future orientation based on its internal strengths and the unique market position that it enjoys.
As an illustration let us review the strategy of a medium-sized company involved in tour operations. In terms of product/market scope the company has restricted itself to marketing of cultural tour packages in the European tourist markets. In terms of future areas of growth, the company’s tours division is involved in designing adventure tour packages for the same market. The company has evolved a competitive advantage in terms of an excellent service not easily matched by any of its close competitors while conducting tours. Most of the key personnel in tour operations have been deployed in such a way that they contribute their maximum in various tours with high degree of autonomy and constitute the company’s distinctive competence. By seeking entry in the adventure tours, in future the company would be using its existing distribution network thus marketing synergy.
There are specific steps involved in the process of strategy formulation. These are:
i) External-Internal Analysis: This analysis helps identify the really meaningful opportunities and threats which can affect the firm in the light of its own strengths and weaknesses.
ii) Generate Strategy Alternative: The next step is to generate all the possible strategy alternatives which can fulfil the objectives. One way of generating and analysing strategy alternatives is presented in Figure I.
As per the above figure there are four strategies available here:
a) Current products in current markets: Strategies which help improve the firm’s position in this area should be the first concern of the firm before moving into new, unknown and often risky areas. All those strategies, which aim to increase brand share and increase brand share and increase profitability of existing operations, should be implemented.
b) New products in current markets: The firm is already incurring costs of marketing, distributing and sales operations. Adding on new products is thus a logical way of getting benefits of economy of scale and cutting overhead costs.
c) Current products in new markets: The firm’s experience in a specific market would come in handy when it wants to launch the same product in new markets. New markets may be defined in terms of geographical area or new customer segments.
d) New product for new markets: This is by far the most risky strategy alternative which a firm can choose and it involves high risk. Diversification is the strategy alternative.
iii) Evaluating the Strategy Alternatives: All the strategy alternatives identified (in step II) may lead to achievement of objectives but not all may be realistic or feasible. The firm has to evaluate them in the context of its own aspirations, internal strengths and weaknesses, and the environmental opportunities and threats, and short list all possible strategies for consideration.
iv) Choice of Strategy: The selection of one strategy that best satisfies the objectives of the firm out of the many alternatives considered.
Posted by
V. Manohar
9:44 AM